Since March 16, 2020 the office has functioned with minimal staffing and limited appointments but as of May 20 we will expand the appointment schedule. Priority will be given to problem appointments but routine visits and Telemedicine “virtual visits” may also be scheduled. If there is adequate patient demand appointment hours will be expanded. It is our hope that the office will be fully operational by early June, but scheduling will depend on patient demand and continued concerns regarding COVID and will be adjusted to minimize health risks to our patients and staff. We will be:
Limiting the number of patients in the office
Maintaining 6 feet of distance from others – in exam rooms and at the counter
Using masks if within 6 feet of our patients or each other
Washing hands and using hand sanitizer frequently
Wiping down counters and surfaces at the beginning and the end of every day, and before and after each patient visit.
It is our primary goal to provide quality patient care and keep everyone safe! We will have new protocols in place, for your safety and ours:
We ask that you reschedule your exam if you are feeling ill.
We ask that you come alone to your exam, unless you are a parent accompanying your child or you need a caregiver to help you.
We will require you to wear a mask while you are in our office.
We apologize for the disruption and inconvenience caused by the COVID pandemic, and thank you for your patience and support in getting through these challenging times. We are happy to move forward and discover the "New Normal" and continue our partnership in your care.
Limiting the number of patients in the office
Maintaining 6 feet of distance from others – in exam rooms and at the counter
Using masks if within 6 feet of our patients or each other
Washing hands and using hand sanitizer frequently
Wiping down counters and surfaces at the beginning and the end of every day, and before and after each patient visit.
It is our primary goal to provide quality patient care and keep everyone safe! We will have new protocols in place, for your safety and ours:
We ask that you reschedule your exam if you are feeling ill.
We ask that you come alone to your exam, unless you are a parent accompanying your child or you need a caregiver to help you.
We will require you to wear a mask while you are in our office.
We apologize for the disruption and inconvenience caused by the COVID pandemic, and thank you for your patience and support in getting through these challenging times. We are happy to move forward and discover the "New Normal" and continue our partnership in your care.